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When you stay at Rideau Breeze Marina & Cottages you have easy access to four lakes without using the locks; Little Cranberry, Cranberry, Whitefish, and Dog Lake. Fishing in the immediate and surrounding area is second to none! There is an enormous Large Mouth Bass population and plenty of Small Mouth Bass, Northern Pike, Crappy, Bowfin (Dog fish) and millions of pan fish to name a few. Dog lake is also well known for Lake Trout fishing.
Our region's healthy fish population attract serious fishermen from far and wide.
Rideau Breeze Marina, Bait & Tackle hosts a season long Live Release Fishing Derby each year which attracts participants from Canada and the United States. As stewards of our environment, our annual fishing derby Rules & Regulations are established within Ministry guidelines and reflect our desire to assist with maintaining healthy fish populations in our region.
To see the record of winners dating back to 1987, click on the black button below labelled "past winners". To date, the largest pike weighed was in 1993 (10.4 pounds), the biggest large mouth bass was also in 1993 (7.12 pounds), and the biggest small mouth bass was in 2017 (5.12 pounds).